Is Money Keeping You Stuck?

By Melanie Buffel, BA, MBA Candidate
Money Coach and Educator

  • You can only see one way of doing things – and you don’t like what you see
  • You’re overwhelmed by choices – and you don’t know which one to pick
  • You don’t know the first step – so you can’t get going
  • There’s too much at risk – and you’re afraid of chasing the big dream.

Do you feel like your financial situation is keeping you stuck in a rut, running in circles or paralyzed about a decision? The situation might feel immovable, entrenched, even hopeless. The good news is, it’s not.

Is money keeping you stuck?To become unstuck something needs to change and that change can come from inside. Seeing the same thing in new ways, discovering new insights and changing your attitudes or beliefs can inspire small behavioural changes that can shift your life in dramatic ways. The discomfort and frustration you are feeling, is a necessary part of the change process. These feelings can provide the fuel that sparks the creative energy needed to get unstuck, to feel the relief of movement.

1. STOP: Be still, take a deep breath and stop struggling. Be fully in the present, it is the only place where you can take action. This isn’t about ignoring your reality but a shift of focus from the problem to free up energy for the solution.

2. REFLECT: What is really important to you right now? What do you want your life to look like? What actions would you take if money were not an issue?

3. TAKE ANOTHER VIEW: Step back and ask yourself what assumptions you are making in your current situation. What is the story you tell yourself and others? Imagine the opposite is true. What would you do differently?

4. STRENGHTEN THE FOUNDATION: Get organized with the basics of your money management. Develop a clear monthly spending and savings plan to help you feel in control of the money you have and to support informed decision making.

5. TAKE ACTION: Set a reachable short term goal and take action. Provide yourself an experience of success! “Imperfect action is better than perfect procrastination.” (Source unknown).

Getting stuck is part of life, but you don’t have to stay that way. Money need not define your reality. Both reflection and action can help you take back control and feel a sense of progress toward the life you want. Your investment in your financial well-being is well worth it!

Ready to get unstuck? Have a conversation with a Money Coach.

Melanie Buffel Money Coach in Vancouver BC

Melanie Buffel is an Educator with the Women’s Financial Learning Centre and Money Coaches Canada’s resident expert on “Navigating the cash flows of Self Employment!”

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