Tag Archives: Kids

Have you had the talk?

By Karen Richardson

Family Saving Money In PiggybankKids are surrounded by sexy advertising everyday. And although you think you are being discreet, they see all the plastic cards in your wallet; credit cards, debit cards, even loyalty cards. You know it’s just a matter of time before they get curious and ask: “Where does money come from?”

You’ll want to mumble something vague about the bank, but you can’t avoid the subject forever. Do you want your kids learning about interest from a department store credit card? Do you want their future compromised because they created debt too young?

You need to have the talk.

Ok, so I may have made the “money talk” sound like the sometimes awkward, “birds and the bees” talk, but that’s because talking to our kids about money can be awkward, and parents sometimes feel ill-equipped to give good advice. Continue reading